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२६ फाल्गुन २०८१, सोमबार

Supply and Delivery of Optical Fiber Tools Set

२८ असार २०८०, बिहीबार

Notice for e-bidding Tender Invitation

Nepal Telecom invites electronic bid from reputed and competent Bidders/Manufacturers through ‘Single-Stage: Two-Envelope’ Bidding Procedures under National Competitive Bidding (NCB) for the following tender.

Tender No:NDCL/WCSD/NCB-05/079-
Supply and Delivery of Optical Fiber Tools Set
A complete set of Tender Document may be downloaded for e-submission from PPMO’s e-GP system at Bidders, submitting their bid electronically, should deposit above mentioned non-refundable fee in the bank account specified in bidding document In case, the last date of submission and opening of the Tender date happens to be an official holiday, the next working day will be deemed as the due date and the time will remain same as stipulated. (Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited), Wireline and Customer Service Directorate, Procurement Section, Chhauni, Kathmandu, Nepal. Tel. No.: 977-1-4272100, Fax. No. : 977-1-4301666 E-mail:, Website:
Notice Source : Gorkhapatra   

पुरा सुचना हेर्न यहाँ क्लिक गर्नु होला ।

  1. पुराना सवारी साधन बिक्रि
  2. २०८० सालको क्यालेण्डर छपाई गर्न आव्हान
  3. खाद्य सामाग्री, तरकारी तथा फलफुल र मासुजन्य सामाग्री आपूर्ति
  4. स्टेसनरी तथा अन्य सामान खरिद
  5. ठेक्का लिँदै अलपत्र पार्दै क्याराभान कन्स्ट्रक्सन