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२० फाल्गुन २०८१, मंगलवार

Procurement of Poultry feed Ingredients

२८ श्रावण २०८०, आईतवार

Lumbini provience Government Ministry of, Agriculture and Land Management Poultry Development Farm, Khajura, Bank

The Poultry development farm, Khajura Banke (PDF), invites bids from eligible bidders for the procurement of poultry feed ingredients for Poultry development farm under National Competitive Bidding procedures The name and identification of the contract are as follows.
  1. Electronic bids must be submitted to the Poultry Development Farm, Khajura Banke by electronically through PPMO website on or before 12:00 Noon 12 September 2023. Bids received after this deadline will be rejected.
  2. Bids shall be opened in the presence of bidder’s representatives who choose to attend 1:00 PM on 12 September 2023 at PDF Khajura, Banke.
  3. Bid security as mentioned above which shall be valid for minimum 120 days from the day of bid opening? If bidder wishes to submit the Bid Security in the form of cash, the cash should be deposited in Province account Treasurer Control unit, Banke, Deposit Account No. 4130100202030000 at Rastriya Banijya Bank and submit the receipt of the deposited amount of cash along with the bid document.
  4. Matters not covered by this notice shall be in accordance with Public Procurement Act-2063, Public Procurement Regulations-2064 and their amendments.

Notice Source : Arthik 

पुरा सुचना हेर्न यहाँ क्लिक गर्नु होला ।

  1. पुराना सवारी साधन बिक्रि
  2. २०८० सालको क्यालेण्डर छपाई गर्न आव्हान
  3. खाद्य सामाग्री, तरकारी तथा फलफुल र मासुजन्य सामाग्री आपूर्ति
  4. स्टेसनरी तथा अन्य सामान खरिद
  5. ठेक्का लिँदै अलपत्र पार्दै क्याराभान कन्स्ट्रक्सन