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११ मंसिर २०८१, मंगलवार

कञ्चनपुरमा क्रिकेट रंगशाला निर्माण कार्य गर्न आव्हान

८ फाल्गुन २०७९, सोमबार
Bedkot Municipality Office of Municipal Executive, Sisaiya, Kanchanpur Sudurpakshim Province, Nepal

Invitation For Bids

Date Of Publication:2079/11/08 (20-Feb-2023)

  1. Bedkot Municipality, Office of Municipal Executive, Kanchanpur invites bid for eligible bidders for the following works:
Description Of Works Bedkot Cricket Stadium Construction, Bedkot Municipality -06,Kanchanpur

Last date and time of Bid Submission Date, Time and Place of Bid Opening Bid Security Validity Period Account No. for Bid Document Purchase2079/12/08 (22-March-2023) (upto 12:00 Noon)2079/12/08 (22-March-2023); at 2:00 PM, At Bedkot Municipality Office, Kanchanpur 30 Days beyond bid validity period NIC Asia, Daijee, GA1.1-ANTARIK RAJASHWA KHATA-BEDKOT NAGARPALIKA -1852050028240002“The Bidder shall furnish a bid security, from commertial bank or financial institutions valid for 30 days beyond the validity period of the bid, OR

Account No. for Bid Security Deposit Name of the Bank: NIC Asia Bank, Daijee, Kanchanpur
Name of Office: Bedkot Municipality, Kanchanpur Office Account No.: I5CA052423252403 (Dharauti Khata)”
  1. Bidders shall submit their Bids e-copy only. For e-bidding visit PPMO’s e-procurement web portal and for other additional information please contact Bedkot Municipality Office, Kanchanpur Contact No: 099-413122
  2. If the last Date of Submission and Opening falls on a Government Holiday then the next working day shall be considered as the last day.
Chief Administrative Officer

पुरा सुचना हेर्न यहाँ क्लिक गर्नु होला ।

  2. एसबिआई बैंक धितोमा रहेको सम्पत्तिको लिलाम बिक्री
  3. दोगडाकेदार गाउँपालिकामा सवारी साधन आपूर्ति गर्न आव्हान
  4. महाशिवरात्रिमा पशुपति क्षेत्रमा विद्युतीय प्रविधिको प्रयोग गरी सजावट कार्य गर्न आव्हान
  5. इचंगुनारायण (रानीवन) जग्गा एकीकरणको घडेरी विक्री