Purchase of Land
This Category Covers
Building Construction Works, Electrical related HT / LT Line Construction, Road Construction & Rehabilitation, Water Supply & Drainage Systems, Irrigation, All Civil Construction Works or services
Standing List For The Procurement Of Various Items And Services / सुची निवेदन / सुची दर्ता Office Furnishing & Flooring 2. Computers and computer accessories and electronic equipment. Electrical goods . 4. Printing work 5. Furniture 16. Garden related items 7. Drinking water supply Supply 8. Fuel supply 9. Office cleaning supplies, 10. Supply of building materials 11. Books required for stationery and library 12. Equipment required for digital lab and science lab 13. Travel and tour agencies (including national and international for air tickets) b) Services: 1. Garden Services 2. Security guard and sanitation service 3. Audit Services 4. Internet service. 5. Insurance service, Catering service 7. Advertising service
Collection of Tax
Purchase of Land
Rental Services of House
Collection of tax
Supply and Delivery of Power Analyzer and Digital Winding resistance Meter -Tender Notice
Standing List For The Procurement Of Various Items And Services / सुची निवेदन / सुची दर्ता To do various work related to printing, to procure goods and services and transportation from central office to different districts
Construction of HT/LT Line and Transformer Installation at haleshi Tuwanchung Nagarpalika, Construction of Toilets and Septic Tank-Tender Notice
Procurement of Material, Equipment, Associated accessories and necessary Installation services Including Design , erection, Testing and Commissioning of 33/11 KKV , 400V Lines and Distribution System Network- Tender Notice
Amendment Notice for Collection of Tax
Rental Services of House
Rental Services of Shutter
Standing List For The Procurement Of Various Items And Services / सुची निवेदन / सुची दर्ता Materials (copy, pen, diary, photocopy paper, ink, Duster, marker and other stationery) 2. Printing materials (calendar, question paper, homework diary certificate etc.) 3. Electronics materials (computer, printer, photocopy machine, fan, Pendrive etc.) 4. Furniture, finishing and interior decoration, painting etc.) 5. Tea in programs like trainings and seminars, gatherings, annual festivals, Water, lunch, shelter, catering services etc. 6. Building materials (rod, cement, brick, gravel, sand, stone, ___ clay, zinc, fort, Occupy plywood, wood etc. 7. Electricity and drinking water supplies Maintenance
ACP board (false ceiling board) connection work-Tender Notice
Collection of tax
Letter of Intent for Construction of water Supply Project(Mrist Sanjiwani HM Construction JV)SWIKRIT (स्वीकृत)
Construction of Road -Tender Notice टेन्डर
Blacktop Road Maintenance works- Tender Notice बोलपत्र
Maintenance of Shamshegunj Colony, protection works -Tender Notice टेन्डर