Merchandise Now
१२ मंसिर २०८१, बुधबार

general information

ref no : 370902

item : Standing List For The Procurement Of Various Items And Services / सुची निवेदन / सुची दर्ता Materials (copy, pen, diary, photocopy paper, ink, Duster, marker and other stationery) 2. Printing materials (calendar, question paper, homework diary certificate etc.) 3. Electronics materials (computer, printer, photocopy machine, fan, Pendrive etc.) 4. Furniture, finishing and interior decoration, painting etc.) 5. Tea in programs like trainings and seminars, gatherings, annual festivals, Water, lunch, shelter, catering services etc. 6. Building materials (rod, cement, brick, gravel, sand, stone, ___ clay, zinc, fort, Occupy plywood, wood etc. 7. Electricity and drinking water supplies Maintenance

published date : 06/07/2022

submision date : 15th Day