Procurement of School Building Works Motipur
This Category Covers
Building Construction Works, Electrical related HT / LT Line Construction, Road Construction & Rehabilitation, Water Supply & Drainage Systems, Irrigation, All Civil Construction Works or services
Pulbazer Matela Road Maintenance Work
Upgrading, Construction, Repair & Maintenance of Road & Drain, Butwal - 11 (Dharmapath, Dhaulagiripath, Prempath, Mirmirepath, Riddisiddhipath, Subarnapath, Siddharthpath, Hatemalopath, Pangenipath, Udayapath & Aadarsapath), Rupandehi
Construction and Extension of Annex Building at FUDBCO kailali.
DTW Electrification HT works at Dhaireni DTW ISP, Ghorahi-10, Dang
Open Gym Construction & Park Management work in Triveni park, KMC-6
Lebase Malatari Dihikhola Ratatari Bahukhola Sinchai Yojana Bhumikasthan-2,Arghakhanchi
Blacktopped Road Construction in Ravikiran Sahakari Marga, BMC-8
Construction of Dhangadhi Sabha-hall (Phase-II) at Dhangadhi Kailali.
Construction of 10 inch/6 inch Deep Tubewell with Well Development and Pump Test at Krishnapur Lalmatiya, Ghorahi-12, Dang
Durga Ma.v Toilet Construction
Chhahare Shitkhola Tatbandha Shitganga-7,Arghakhanchi
Naya Gaun Maire Khanepane yojana ward No.3
Construction of Emergency Shelter Building at Beldandi Rural Municipality -02, Kanchanpur and Bhajani Rural Municipality ward no 3 Bardawa photama kailali.(Phase-II).
Construction of 10 inch/6 inch dia. Deep Tubewell with Well Development and Pump Test at Upallabasti DTW Buddhabhumi-9, Dakshin Pipara DTW Banganga-2 and Ratanpur DTW Banganga-10, Kapilvastu
Construction of infrastructure at four different school of BMC-16
Pangreghat Sinchai Yojana Shitganga-5,Arghakhanchi
Procurement of Road Upgradation Works of Upaharnagar and Construction of wing walls of Culvert situated in between Upaharnagar and Chisapani, Ward No. 4 of Bardaghat Municipality, Nawalparasi.
Ward N0. 05 Basic Health Care Center Building Construction work
Construction of 10 inch/6inch dia. Deep Tubewell with well Development and Pump Test at Kapilvastu 1 Kha Bharima (Amahawa DTW ISP), Mayadevi Ga.Pa.-8, Kapilvastu