CHA RINGO Sichai Yojana
This Category Covers
Building Construction Works, Electrical related HT / LT Line Construction, Road Construction & Rehabilitation, Water Supply & Drainage Systems, Irrigation, All Civil Construction Works or services
Leakage control works at Lokanthali, Bode, Nikosera, Old Thimi etc.
Construction of Primary Hospital 15 Beds Hospital Building Works.
Construction of Health Post Building at Temkemaiyung RM Ward No. 09
Construction of Steel Framed Structures at Madhesh University Premises, National Trading, Birgunj
Susta Gaunpalika ko susta samudayik swashthya ikai sudhar nirman (Susta paari)
Leakage control works at Different place of Mahankalchaur Branch
Sabha Hall Construction Works at Dullu municipality Dailekh
Dolpa Jilla Dolpo Buddha Ga. Pa. Dho Basti Bikas 1, 2 ra 3 Antargat Purwadhar Nirman Karya
Construction of Madhu Covered Hall at Devghat, Tanahun
construction of dadafaya health post building
Shifting of HT/LT Line at Ratnanagar 3 Santi Chowk to Sarwati mandir
Construction of Covered Hall and Sports Ground at Dullu municipality Dailekh
Construction of Basic Health Care Center Building at Temkemaiyung RM Ward No. 01
Birthing Center Bhawan Nirman Mikwakhola Ga.Pa-05,Papung
7 No. Chowk dekhi Gokulnagar Ply jane bato istarunnati susta-04
Operation and Management of Multipurpose Building in BMC-21
Upgrading work of Kankali Dugdha Utpadak sahakari sansthan at Khairahani-4
Construction of Dumping Site for Recycle, Reculture and Management of Solid Waste
Construction of 11 KV HT line installation of Transformer & Pumphouse wiring at Baibang DTW ISP, Dangisharan Ga.Pa-4, Dang