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२० फाल्गुन २०८१, मंगलवार

Supply & Delivery of HUME Pipe

१९ पुष २०७९, मंगलवार

Section Invitation for Sealed Quotation, Dhorpatan Municipality Office of Municipal Executive Burtibang, Baglung, Gandaki Province, Nepal Invitation For Sealed Quotation

Date of first Publication: 3rd Jan 2023(BS 2079/09/19)
  1. Dhorpatan Municipality, Office of the Municipal Executive, Burtibang, Baglung, Gandaki Province Nepal invites sealed quotations from registered suppliers for the supply and delivery of Hume Pipe. 2. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information and inspect the sealed quotation Form at the office of Dhorpatan Municipality Burtibang, Baglung (Phone No: 068-410182 and email address
  2. A complete sets of Sealed Quotation Documents may be purchased from the above office by eligible bidders on the submission of a written application, along with the copy of firm registration certifi- cate, PAN registration certificate and Letter of tax clearance till 15 days from the date of publication of this notice during office hours. Bidders submitting their quotation, should deposit the cost of sealed document in the following account.
Name of Bank: Nepal Bank Limited, Burtibang, Baglung Aantarik Rajaswa Khata Account No (for bid cost): 12103000001001000001 Dharauti Account No (for dharauti): 12103000003000000001
  1. Sealed Quotations must be submitted to the above office on or before 12:00 Noon on 2079/10/05. Quotation received after this deadline shall not be accepted.
  2. Sealed Quotation shall be opened in the presence of Suppliers’ representatives who choose to attend at 14:00 hours 19th Jan 2023(BS 2079/10/05) at the office of Dhorpatan Municipality, Baglung. Bids must be valid for a period of 45 days after bid opening and must be accompanied by bid security, amounting to a Nrs. Specified below which shall be valid for 30 days beyond the bid validity period.
  3. The unit price of Hume pipes should be managed under the district rate of Baglung-2079.80. 7. If the last date of purchasing and/or submission falls on a government holiday, then the next working day shall be considered as the last date. In such case the validity period of the bid security shall remain the same as specified for the original as date of submission.
  4. The name and identification of the contract are as follows:
  1. The Purchaser reserves the right to accept or reject, wholly or partly any or all the Sealed Quotations

without assigning any reason, whatsoever.


अन्य समाचार

  1. आन्तरिक साजसज्जा तथा फर्निचर लगायत सामानहरु बिक्री
  2. गान्धी तुलसी क्याम्पसलाई पुस्तक आपूर्ति गर्न आव्हान