Merchandise Now
२० फाल्गुन २०८१, मंगलवार

Supply and Delivery of Tourism Promotional Materials

१७ पुष २०७९, आईतवार

Re: Invitation for Electronic Sealed Quotations For Procurement of Different Promotional Materials

Date of First Publication: 2079/08/21 (September 29, 2022)

Date of Second Publication: 2079/09/17 (January 01, 2023) (Re Publication) 1. The Nepal Tourism Board (NTB) invites electronic sealed quotation from eligible bidders for the procurement of Print, Supply and Delivery of Tourism Promotional Materials as follows under Scaled Quotation bidding procedures specified in Public Procurement Act and NTB Financial Bylaws: second Submission Date & Time

  1. Eligible Bidders may obtain further information and inspect the bidding documents at the office of Nepal Tourism Board, Bhrikutimandap, Kathmandu, and Tel: 014256909 (Ext.154, 511) or may visit e-GP system:
  1. Bidding documents is available online and can be downloaded from e-GP system: Interested bidders shall register in the e-GP system and deposit the cost of bidding document in the following bank:

Name of the Bank: Nepal Investment Bank Name of the Office: Nepal Tourism Board Office Account No.: 00101010030218

  1. Interested Bidders shall submit the electronic Bids through to the above office of Nepal Tourism Board on or before 12.00 Noon on 2079/10/02 (January 16, 2023).
  2. Bids shall be opened in presence of Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend on 2079/10/02 (January 16, 2023) at 13:00, 14:00, 16:00 hrs. (serially) at the office of Nepal Tourism Board, Bhrikutimandap, Kathmandu.
  3. Bids must be valid for a period of 75 days (Thursday, March 02, 2023: 2079/11/18) counting from the day of bid opening and must be accompanied by a minimum bid security amount as stated in above table, and which shall be valid for minimum 30 days beyond the bid validity period i.e. 2079/12/18 (April 01, 2023).
  4. If the last date of submission and opening falls on a government holiday then the next working day shall be considered the last day. In such a case the bid validity and bid security validity shall be recognized with effect from the original bid submission deadline. 8. The NTB reserves the right to accept or reject, wholly or partly any or all the bids without assigning any reasons, whatsoever.
For Further Information: Visit e-GP system: Or may visit NTB corporate website: Or Contact Nepal Tourism Board, Bhirkutimandap, Kathmandu, Office, Tel: 014256909 (Ext. 154,513) NTB NEPAL TOURISM BOARD Corporate Services Department Bhrikutimandpa, Kathmandu.

अन्य समाचार

  1. ATM सेवा सञ्चालन गर्ने सम्बन्धी बोलपत्र आव्हानको सूचना
  4. वाल्मीकि विद्यापीठको लागि रासन आपूर्ति गर्न आव्हान