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२० फाल्गुन २०८१, मंगलवार

Recruitment of Individual Civil Engineer

२९ मंसिर २०७९, बिहीबार

Government of Nepal (GoN), Ministry of Forests and Environment Building a Resilient Churia Region in Nepal (BRCRN) Provincial Project Management Unit (PPMU), Bagmati, Sindhuli

Notice for Standing List for Recruitment of Individual Civil Engineer

Date of Publication: 15th of December 2022

The GoN has received a grant from Green Climate Fund (GCF) toward the cost of BRCRN. To accomplishing the project, Provincial Project Management Unit, Bagmati, Sindhuli (PPMU Sindhuli) requires the service of the e Civil Engineer in a regular basis for 150 input days over 6 months period for this fiscal year as ar individual expert. So as per the provision made in Public Procurement Act, 2007 Clause 6(ka), all the interested eligible individual expert are requested to visit the Project Management Unit (PMU), Babarmahal website ( notice section to get terms of reference (TOR) and submit the document along with CV in the format provided for enlistment via hand or email ( on or before 24th of December 2022 during office hours. Please contact through 047-521316 for further information regarding this notice.

अन्य समाचार
  1. बूढानीलकण्ठ स्कूलमा खाद्य सामग्रीहरू आपूर्ति गर्न आव्हान
  2. माटो कर उठाउने ठेक्का
  3. वार्षिक प्रतिवेदन छपाई सम्बन्धी सूचना
  4. धितोमा रहेको सम्पत्तिको लिलाम बिक्री