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२० फाल्गुन २०८१, मंगलवार

Providing Cafeteria Service in NIC ASIA BANK

११ पुष २०७९, सोमबार
NIC ASIA Fax No.: +977-01-51-5111180, एन आई सी एशिया बैंक लि. Toll Free No.: 1660-01-77771 , Feedback: Type FB and send SMS to 34488

INVITATION FOR SEALED QUOTATION (First Notice Published on 16th December 2022)

NIC ASIA Bank Limited solicits sealed quotation from interested Company/Firm for Cafeteria Service at Bank Premise.

Interested Company/Firm can obtain RFQ Document from Bank’s General Administration & Projects Management Department at Registered Office, Thapathali upon deposit of non- refundable RFQ Document fee of NPR 1,000/-(NPR One Thousand Only) for

Eligibility Criteria: FQ Documents.

The applicant should be a registered entity under the applicable act. The applicant should have at least two years of experience in related field. The applicant should have annual turnover of at least NPR 1 Million in Financial Year 2077/78.

Documentation Requirement:

Company/Firm Registration Certificate – Duly Notarized. Valid copy of PAN/VAT certificate – Duly Notarized.Valid copies of Tax clearance of Financial Year 2077/78-Duly Notarized. MOA and AOA – Duly Notarized. Latest Share Register (Share Lagat) – Duly Notarized. Latest Director Register (Sanchalak Lagat) – Duly Notarized. Latest Company Update (Company Adhyawodhik) in case of firms Renewal from -Department of Commerce/Industry – Duly Notarized Appreciation letter/ Reference letters to back the claim of experience. RFQ Document Fee deposit voucher Additional Documents as Prescribed in RFQ Document. Sealed RFQ for all the requirements mentioned above are to be submitted within close of business on 28th December 2022 in the prescribed format. Sealed RFQ should be addressed to General Administration & Projects Management Department. Sealed RFQ received after the deadline will not be accepted. RFQ opening date and time shall be informed to participating applicants.

अन्य समाचार
  3. ललितपुर महानगरपालिकालाइ अत्यावश्यक औषधी आपूर्ति गर्न आव्हान
  4. सैनिक अस्पतालहरुमा आवश्यक जनशक्ति करार सेवामा पदपूर्ति सम्बन्धी सूचना
  5. शुभकामना डायरी र नेपाल परिचय पुस्तक छपाई कार्य गर्न आव्हान