Bidding documents can be purchased by the bidders upon the payment of a non-refundable fee of NPR 3000.00 (Three Thousand Only) in the
Bank Account Holder Name: Social Organization District Coordination Committee Parsa
Name of Bank: Nepal Bank Limited, Birgunj City Branch, Birgunj.
Account No: 04400100305745000001
The firm or organization can submit their bid directly to any of the below address of office :
Social Organization District Coordination Committee Parsa (SODCC, Parsa) Birgunj-14, Radhemai, Parsa
Social Organization District Coordination Committee Parsa (SODCC, Parsa) Chandranigahapur-4, Chidiyadaha, Rautahat
PUBLISHED DATE : 30/12/2022
SUBMISSION DATE : 20/01/2023