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२० फाल्गुन २०८१, मंगलवार

Procurement of 13 Solar System for 1 KW Each

१७ पुष २०७९, आईतवार

Kedarsyun Rural Municipality Office of Rural Municipal Executive, Deura, Bajhang Sudurpaschim Province, Nepal

Invitation for the procurement of 13 Solar System for 1 KW Each

Bid No: KRM/Bajhang/NCB/Goods/03-2079/080 Date of first Publication 2079/09/17 (1″ Jan, 2023)
  1. Kedarsyun Rural Municipality Deura, Bajhang electonic bisd from Nepalese eligilbe bidders for the construction of deura (Civil works/Sanitary / Electrical works) under National Competitive Bidding Procedures.

Invitation Of Bid For KRM/Bajhang/NCB/ the Procureement Of Goods/03-2079/80 13 Solar System Of each 1 KW

  1. Eligible Bidders may obtain further information and inspect the Bidding Documents at the office of Kedarsyun Rural Municipality Deura, Bajhang Email Address:, Contact No-9858454835 or may visit PPMO website
  2. Eligible Bidders have to submit their bid electronically only & May downM
load the bidding documents for e-submission from PPMO’s Web Site Bidders, submitting their bid electronically; should deposit the cost Rs 3000.00 of bidding document in the Project’s Rajaswa account as specified below and the scanned copy (pdf format) of the Bank deposit voucher shall be uploaded by the bidder at the time of electronic submission of the bids. Information to deposit the cost of bidding document in Bank Name of the Bank: Nepal Investment Bank Jhota Bajhang Name of Office: Kedarsyun Rural Municipality Deura, Bajhang Account No.: 07501400250009 NE Name of the Bank: Nepal Investment Bank Jhota Bajhang Name of Office: Kedarsyun Rural Municipality Deura, Bajhang Dharuti Account No.: 07501400250153
  1. Electronic bids must be submitted through PPMO’s website e_GP system on or before 12:00 Hours on 2079/10/17 (31 Jan 2023). Bids received after this deadline will be rejected.
  2. The bidswill be opened in the presence of Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at 14:00 Hours on 2079/10/17 (31 Jan 2023). at the office of Kedarsyun Rural Municipality Deura, Bajhang. Bids must be valid for a period of 90after bid opening and must be accompanied by a bid security or scanned copy of the bid security in pdf format in case of e-bid, amounting to a minimum of As stated above 11 table which shall be valid for 30 days beyond the validity period of the bid.
  3. If the last date of purchasing and /or submission falls on a government holiday, then the next working day shall be considered as the last date. In such case the validity period of the bid and bid security shall remain the same as specified for the original last date of bid submission. Bidders are Advised to visit Site And assess the actual site conditions before
submitting their bid.
  1. Any Condition so far not stated in this Notice will be As per PPA 2063 and PPR 2064 and its Amendments.
  2. Any Amendments in This tender Notice will be posted in the notice board of Kedarsyun Rural Municipality Deura, Bajhang or may visit PPMO e-GP system
  3. Employer reserves the right to accept or reject, Wholly or Partly any or all the bids without assigning any reason, whatever. 10. Bidder must be qualified from Alternative Energy Promotion Center AEPC
Chief Administrative Officer

अन्य समाचार

  1. पुराना साइकल लिलाम विक्री
  4. वाल्मीकि विद्यापीठको लागि रासन आपूर्ति गर्न आव्हान