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१६ फाल्गुन २०८१, शुक्रबार

How to fill government tenders online?

२२ आश्विन २०८१, मंगलवार
To initiate the registration process, bidder visits the e-GP System ( and fills in the personal and organizational detail. The registration request is verified and approved by super user. Once approved the bidder account will be activated and bidder can successfully log into the e-GP system.
Step 1: To initialize process the user selects Register New User and then selects the radio button Firm on the Home Page of National e-GP system.
Step 2: The user is directed to a page where three forms have to be filled regarding the registration details. The user needs to enter organization details, personal details and document details including a username and password which will be used for future login and all supporting documents regarding the organization needs to be uploaded. The three forms that need to be filled are mentioned below:
  • 1. Organization Details

  • 2. Personal Details

  • 3. Document Details

Step 2A: Organization Details basically includes company registration information, type of organization, VAT/PAN information, Office address and contact details.
Step 2B: Personal details basically includes personal information of user trying to register with his/her name, contact detail, email address, username for login, password & secret question answer.
The fields marked with (*) are mandatory to be filled. After entering the necessary details the user will have to click on Next at the bottom of the page to navigate to document detail page.
Step 2C: Document Detail contains company registration and PAN/VAT registration certificate to be uploaded.
User clicks the Browse button to upload required documents for completing the bidder registration process. All files to be uploaded should be in the pdf format and the size of the attachment should not be greater than 5 MB in size. If file is other than pdf format the system will generate the error message.
Then finally the user should click on Register to complete the registration process.
Step 3:   After pressing register button in document detail page, an e- mail is sent to the registered user’s e-mail id with an activation link. The user has to login into their e-mail account to retrieve that e-mail.
Step 4:   User will click on that activation link. This will confirm that the e-mail id provided by user with e-GP system is valid.
Step 5:   Upon Clicking on highlighted link, the system Navigates to the Home Page and the approval task will be allocated to the Super User in super user pending task list. Upon approval from the Super User the user will receive the e-mail containing the massage of Successful registration including Bolpatra ID.
Bidder can then successfully log in to the system with username and password.