Merchandise Now
२० फाल्गुन २०८१, मंगलवार

BID for Hotel Service to Conduct Orientation/Training/Meetings

१५ पुष २०७९, शुक्रबार
Safer Migration (SaMi) Program is a bilateral initiative between the Government of Nepal and the Government of Switzerland. It is implemented by the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security and 156 participating local governments. Helvetas Nepal provides technical assistance to the program on behalf of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).
  Date of first publication: 20 December 2022  

Invitation for BID for Hotel Service to Conduct Orientation/Training/Meetings

SaMi intends to call for sealed bid from the eligible Hotels to provide hospitality service for residential/non-residential orientation/training/meetings/workshops
Request for standard bidding document is made available at: CLICK HERE
Interested hotel must fulfil the minimum requirements listed in the bidding document.
Sealed bid must be submitted latest by 3 January 2023 before 5 PM to SaMi / Helvetas Nepal at Janakpur office.
Pre-bid meeting (virtual) will be held on 27 December 2022 at 3 PM. Interested bidder should confirm their participation at to obtain the virtual meeting ID latest by 26 December 2022 before 4 PM.
Acceptance or rejection of bid and award of the contract or cancellation of process shall remain within the jurisdiction of SaMi/Helvetas Nepal. This procurement process shall be according to SaMi/Helvetas Nepal procurement guidelines.
Safer Migration Program (SaMi) /Helvetas Nepal
Lalitpur-3, Dhobighat, Lalitpur
G.P.O. Box – 688, Kathmandu, Nepal
Telephone: +977-1-54 21 063, 54 37 148