Merchandise Now
२० फाल्गुन २०८१, मंगलवार

Design and Publication of Notices in the Newspaper

६ पुष २०७९, बुधबार

Government of Nepal, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development , Rural Enterprise and Economic Development (REED) Project Office of the Project Director Hariharbhawan, Lalitpur, Nepal

Telephone No: +977-1-5901736, 5900356, Email:, Website: Invitation for Sealed Quotation for the Design and Publication of Notices in the Newspaper Date of Notice Publication: 21 December 2022 Sealed Quotation No.: REEDP/AS/2079/80-01
  1. The REED project invites Sealed Quotations from registered Advertisement Service Providers for the Design and Publication of Notices in the Newspaper. 2. Interested eligible Service Providers may obtain further information and inspect the Bidding Document at the office of REED/OPD as mentioned address above. 3. Complete set of Bidding (SQ) Document may be purchased from the office of REED, Hariharbhawan, Lalitpur, Nepal during office hours on all working days by eligible bidders 21 December 2022 onwards on the submission of a Written Application, copies of Firm/Institution Registration and PAN/VAT Registration certificates and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of NRs. 1,000.00 to the following account:

Name of Bank: Nepal Bank Ltd., Gabahal, Lalitpur Account No: 00101000000001001001, Revenue Head: 14229, Office Code: 312003408

  1. The Bidding Document shall be available for sale up to office hours till 5 January 2023.
  2. Interested Bidders are required to submit the SQ to the office of REED on or before 1:00 P.M. on 6 January 2023. Sealed Quotations received after this deadline will not be accepted.
  3. Submitted SQs will be opened in presence of Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at 1:30 P.M. on 6 January 2023 at the office of REED, Hariharbhawan, Lalitpur, Nepal. But nothing shall bar the opening of SQS by the reason only that any bidder or its agent is not present. Bidder’s representative should bear the authorization letter duly signed by the authority of firm at the time of SQ opening.
  4. Quotation must be valid for a period of 45 days counting from the date of quotation opening and must be accompanied by bid security, amounting to minimum NRs. 40,000.00, which shall be valid for minimum 30 days beyond the quotation validity period (i.e., Valid up to minimum 21 March 2023). 8. If bidder wishes to submit the Bid Security in cash, the cash should be deposited to the following bank details and the original receipt of the deposited amount must be submitted along with the sealed quotation.

Name of Bank: Nepal Bank Ltd., Gabahal, Lalitpur

Account No: 01801000002003000001 Office Code: 31200340 Other details are provided in the Bidding Document.

अन्य समाचार
  3. काठ तथा दाउरा लिलाम बिक्री
  4. श्री स्काई विल्डर्सले भवन निर्माण कार्य गर्न स्वीकृत
  5. काम गर्न विदेश जाने र फर्केकालाई गार्मेन्ट मेसिन अपरेटर तालिम गर्न आव्हान