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२० फाल्गुन २०८१, मंगलवार

Construction of Building

१० पुष २०७९, आईतवार

Chandannath Municipality Office of the Municipal Executive Khainga Bazar, jumla, Karnali Province

Invitation for Bid

Date of Publication: 24 December, 2022 The Chandannath Municipality has allocated funds for the following works and intends to apply part of the funds to cover eligible payments under the Contract. Bidding is open to all eligible bidders as per Section V of bidding document.
  1. Chandannath Municipality invites electronic bids from eligible bidders for the construction of as mentioned below works under National Competitive Bidding Single Stage Single Envelope Bidding procedures.
  2. Under the Single Stage, Single Envelope Procedure, Bidders are required to submit simultaneously one sealed envelopes. one containing (i) the Technical Bid and the other (ii) the Price Bid, both in turn enclosed in one sealed envelope as per the provision of ITB 21 of the Bidding Document.
  3. Eligible Bidders may obtain further information about the Bidding Documents at PPMO e-GP 4. Bidder who chooses to submit their bid electronically may purchase the hard copy of the bidding documents as mentioned above or may download the bidding documents for e-submission from PPMO’s e-GP system Bidders, submitting their bid electronically, shoulddeposit the cost of bidding document in the Project’s Rajaswa (revenue) account as specified below.
Information to deposit the cost of bidding document in Bank: Name of the Bank: Rsatriya banijaya Bank, Jumla Name of Office: Chandannath Municipality, Jumla Office Account no.: 4030100301010002
  1. Pre-bid meeting shall be held at Municipality office at Jan 13, 2023, 14:00.
  2. Electronic bids must be submitted to the office of Chandannath Municipality, Khalanga Bazar, Jumla through PPMO’s e-GP system or before 12:00 hours on Jan rejected. 23, 2023. Bids received after this deadline will beThe bids will be opened in the presence of Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at 14:00 hours on Jan. 23, 2023 at the Office of Chandannath Municipality, Jumla. Bids must be valid fora period of 90 days after bid opening and must be accompanied by a bid by a Bid security or scanned copy of the bid security in pdf format in case of e-bid, amounting to a minimum of as mentioned below which shall be valid for 30 days beyond the validity period of the bid
If the last date of purchasing and /or submission falls on a government holiday, then the next working day shall be considered as the last date. In such case the validity period of the bid securityshall remain the same as specified for the original last date of bid submission.
  1. The Employer reserves the right to accept or reject, wholly or partly any or all the bids without assigning reason whatsoever.
  2. In the case of discrepancies or error in bid documents, bid notice or any other documents, Chandannath Municipality, Jumla. reserves the right to amend the correct at any time. The figure for the bidamount must be clear if any discrepancies may occur then the figure written in word is valid.
  3. Chandannath Municipality, Jumla office will not be responsible for any costs or expense incurred by bidders for preparation or delivery of bids. Except the mentioned clauses all other condition of the bidding process must be followed by the Public Procurement Act 2063, Public Procurement Regulation 2064.
  4. Bids should comply in all respects with the instruction to bidder included in the bid document. Non-Compliance with this instruction shall result in disqualification.
  5. Bidders are advised to visit the construction site and access the actual site conditions before submitting their bids.
  अन्य समाचार  
  2. छपाइ तथा मसलन्दको सामान आपूर्ति गर्न आव्हान
  4. श्री स्काई विल्डर्सले भवन निर्माण कार्य गर्न स्वीकृत