
Construction of Maulibari Baisnabi Devi Temple Community Building, Patharisanischare-5


Upgradation of Bajrangbali Chowk West North Road, Biratnagar-15


Construction of Building and Interlocking Work at Hasandah Health Post, Patharisanishchre-5,Morang

Dhangadhi Sub-Metropolitan City

Lease Contract for Parking Space, Public Toilet with Space for Cafe (Near Salt Treding Ward No. 2 Dhangadhi Sub Metropolitan City)

Alternative Energy Promotion Center

Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Hydromechanical, Electromechanical, Switchgear and Protection system equipment’s for power evacuation to Kolti Bazar from Juddi I & II MHP (2 x100 kW) in Bajura District


Construction of jesta Nagrik Aaram Chautari Bhawan, Ratuwamai-10


Construction of Singhadevi Baragi Ramite Road, Kerabari-2