Construction of Maulibari Baisnabi Devi Temple Community Building, Patharisanischare-5
This Category Covers
Building Construction Works, Electrical related HT / LT Line Construction, Road Construction & Rehabilitation, Water Supply & Drainage Systems, Irrigation, All Civil Construction Works or services
Construction of Canal and Canal Structure of Bandip Aapchaur Sinchai Yojana
Patipani Dekhi View Tower jane Bato Sadak Istharunnati, Bidur 2
Repair and Maintenance of Gowdown
Maintenance work of Singaha RCC Bridge Nakatuwa and Dudhaura Nadi Bridge Amatar in Bara District.
Construction of New Building of Survey Office, Simara , Bara
NEA,Dadeldhura Office compound wall construction works.
fencing and Compound wall construction in nursery and infra area at sagarnath
Upgradation of Bajrangbali Chowk West North Road, Biratnagar-15
Construction of Building and Interlocking Work at Hasandah Health Post, Patharisanishchre-5,Morang
Construction of VRB Pipe Line Canal and Canal Structure of Dada Bhirbari Upallo Aayatari Sinchai Yojana, Chandrakot -8, Gulmi
Renovation Works of Education Training Centre Inaruwa
Lease Contract for Parking Space, Public Toilet with Space for Cafe (Near Salt Treding Ward No. 2 Dhangadhi Sub Metropolitan City)
Repair and Maintenance of Deep Tubewells (5 Nos) of Dhanusha 1(Kha)
Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Hydromechanical, Electromechanical, Switchgear and Protection system equipment’s for power evacuation to Kolti Bazar from Juddi I & II MHP (2 x100 kW) in Bajura District
Road Upgrading works with drainage works along Shantipur Kurtha Janakpur Road (NH-26), Road, Dhanusha
Construction of Truss Building in Second floor of Shree shikshya Niketan Ma. Vi., Sundarharaicha-08
Construction of jesta Nagrik Aaram Chautari Bhawan, Ratuwamai-10
Construction of Singhadevi Baragi Ramite Road, Kerabari-2
Construction of Vertical Revetment of Baghkhola Tatbandha Karya, Chandrakot -8, Gulmi