Nepal Parbatarohan Sangh; Kathmandu

Standing List for the procurement of various items and services; includes variety of items सूची दर्ता गर्ने बारे सुचना; Stationery Items, Printing, Computer, Laptop, Mobile, Printer, Toner, Photocopy, Camera, CCTV, Electronic Items ( Fan, Heater, Air Conditioner, Generator), Furniture and Furnishing, Plumbing, Wiring, Air Ticketing Service, Vehicle Rent, Insurance, Advertisement, Cleaning Items, Consulting Service

Water supply and Sanitation Division No.; Kailali

Tender Award Notice बोलपत्र स्वीकृत; Supply & Delivery of HDPE Pipe ( Maruti Pipes Pvt Ltd, Shyam Bikram Nirman Sewa and Suppliers ), Drilling and Installation of Deep Tube Well ( BBC Construction and Drilling )

Sahari Bikas Tatha Bhawan Karyalaya; Rupandehi

Tender Award Notice बोलपत्र स्वीकृत; Construction of Various Roads, Drain and Building ( Sainamaina Nirman Sewa, Radha Roshan Nirman Sewa, MD Construction and Suppliers Pvt Ltd, Laxmi Construction and Lab Testing Pvt Ltd, Three Star Nirman Sewa, Pathways Construction and Suppliers Pvt Ltd etc )

Sadak Bibhaag; Dang

Tender Award Notice बोलपत्र स्वीकृत; Reactive Maintenance of Road ( KK and C Engineering Consultancy, Modern Multipurpose Solution Pvt Ltd )