Collection of tax
This Category Covers
Building Construction Works, Electrical related HT / LT Line Construction, Road Construction & Rehabilitation, Water Supply & Drainage Systems, Irrigation, All Civil Construction Works or services
Collection of tax
Standing List For The Procurement Of Various Items And Services; सूची दर्ता गराउने सम्बन्धी सूचना)Office work, etc. 2. Vehicle spare parts supply and repair work. 3. Similar supply and repair work related to furniture and furnishing. 4. Supply of equipment like computers, photocopiers, printers, laptops and so on Repair work. 5. Works related to drinking water supply. 6. Repair and painting work related to construction work. 7. Work related to advertisement and information publication. 8. Services in connection with office work Services and consulting work related to office work.
Correction Notice
Standing List For The Procurement Of Various Items And Services; सूची दर्ता गराउने सम्बन्धी सूचना) Construction work, Consulting Services
Standing List For The Procurement Of Various Items And Services; सूची दर्ता गराउने सम्बन्धी सूचना)Type of Goods and Services Rupees and Example: | 10 Repair and maintenance of metal furniture and other office furniture Annual maintenance contract (AMC) Interior decoration construction, renovation and so on Advertising, Branding & Promotion का सामग्रीहरु सम्बन्धित कार्यहरु मेसिनरी ५ कार्यालय उपकरणहरु १४ जनशक्ति आपूर्तिकतो सेवा (outsourcing company) पावर तथा Backup १५ / कार्यालय पोशाक आपूर्ति सेवा ७ । सुरक्षा सम्बन्धि उपकरण तथा सम्बन्धित सेवाहरु | पिउने पानी आपूर्ति सेवा (उपत्यकाभित्र मात्र) & Computer & Accessories १७ कुरियर सेवा : 18 Server & Storage Accessories १८ अन्य सेवाहरु
L:etter of Intent for Collection of tax (Sonu raj Trade and Suppliers )
Collection of Tax
Empanelment of Consultant for Interior and Architectural works of the Bank- Proposal Notice
Standing List For The Procurement Of Various Items And Services; सूची दर्ता गराउने सम्बन्धी सूचना)1. Printing work | 2. Masland (stationery) goods supply 3. Courier service 4. Work related to advertisement and publication of information 5. Supply of ink, ribbon, toner and cartridges for photocopier, printer, fax, etc. 6. Other services.
Standing List For The Procurement Of Various Items And Services; सूची दर्ता गराउने सम्बन्धी सूचना) Computer/photocopy paper, toner, cartridge, refilling, Nepali paper and other accessories. 2. Stationery, printing related (money payment part, money payment part cover, statement paper, voucher, account opening All other printing including forms, calendars). 3. Computer, Printer, Fax, Photocopy Machine, UPS, Generator, Air Conditioner, Stapler, Note Counting All related to machines, networking and its parts and other IT and office supplies,Accessories | 4. Supply and repair of electrical and electronics and computer related goods. 5. Supply and maintenance of furniture and furnishing materials. 6. Services including office construction and renovation and repair and maintenance services, drinking water, kitchen items. 7. Services related to repair and maintenance of vehicles including spare parts.8. Services related to purchase/sale of new or used vehicles. 9. Staff uniforms and other essential services related to organizations. 10. Office Information, Designing, Printing, Hoarding Board and Signboard. |11. Appraisal of house/land and vehicles. |12. Supplying other services and goods compatible with the work of this organization. |13. Valuation of new or old two wheeler ( and four wheeler (car/jeep/van or other)
Extension Time for Purchase of land Plot
Periodic Maintenance works-Tender Notice
Pavement maintenance works and Roadway Upgrading works-Tender Notice बोलपत्र
Roadway Cutting and Construction of structural works _Tender Notice
letter of Intent for Construction of Road (Jayabhawani Nirman sewa ) SWIKRIT (स्वीकृत)
Letter of Intent for Construction of Prestressed Concrete Bridge (Dynamic Construction Pvt ltd )SWIKRIT (स्वीकृत)
Letter of Intent for Road Maintenance and upgrading works(PSS Construction and Suppliers, Palchowk Nirman sewa ) SWIKRIT (स्वीकृत)
Construction of 33KV Double Circuit Line from Malekhu S/S to dhadingbesi S/S ad Malekhu
Construction of Shower room with hot and Cold Water and Wooden Benches - Tender Notice