Letter of Intent for Construction of Road (DK Construction, Sumisa Nirman sewa, New business Nirman Sewa, MS /Prime JV)SWIKRIT (स्वीकृत)
This Category Covers
Building Construction Works, Electrical related HT / LT Line Construction, Road Construction & Rehabilitation, Water Supply & Drainage Systems, Irrigation, All Civil Construction Works or services
Letter of Intention to Award for Construction of E/W . Gravel , Cross Drainage and Retaining structure of Arun Corridor Road (M/S Ghising KAM Pathivara JV )SWIKRIT (स्वीकृत)
Letter of Intent for Soil excavation from nearby and filling works for landfill Site (Shisir Barsha Construction ) SWIKRIT (स्वीकृत)
Letter of Intent for Construction of indoor Covered hall (Pindeshwori Construction Company Pvt Ltd )SWIKRIT (स्वीकृत)
letter of Intent for Construction of Overhead tank (Sagar Nirman sewa)SWIKRIT (स्वीकृत)
Letter of Intent for Construction work(New Dhungana Nirman sewa )SWIKRIT (स्वीकृत)
Construction of Boundary wall, Main Entrance gate , and fire escape Staircase -Tender Notice
Amendment Notice for Construction of Building
Correction Notice for Construction of MU Central Library Building SWIKRIT (स्वीकृत)
Construction of RCC Toilet with 4 Cables -Tender Notice बोलपत्र
Asphalt Concrete Including Structural works along Road and Periodic Maintenance with Asphalt Concrete overlay including Structural works -Tender Notice
Cancellation Notice for Construction of blacktop Road with RCC Drain Salopokhari
Collection of Tax
Collection of tax
Standing List For The Procurement Of Various Items And Services; सूची दर्ता गराउने सम्बन्धी सूचना) Stationery, etc., printing, newspapers and so on. Medicines and other medicinal materials Books work. Procurement work. - Purchase and repair of furniture and fixtures. Fuel and other fuel supply operations. work - Purchase and repair of electronic equipment. Various maintenance and painting works. work Spare parts and repair of vehicles and their parts. . Consultancy and other services, Purchase and maintenance of machinery and equipment. Work related to service contract. work - Public construction and maintenance works. . Networking, Internet and Communication Services
Standing List For The Procurement Of Various Items And Services; सूची दर्ता गराउने सम्बन्धी सूचना) Medicinal and medicinal materials. 2. Laboratory chemicals, reagents and accessories. 3. Surgical and medical equipment materials. 4. Electronic, electronics, hardware goods supply related works. 5. Stationery, printing, printing and newspaper related works. 6. Office supplies and cleaning supplies, 7. Supply and repair of furniture, flooring and furnishings. 8. Computer, Printer, Photocopier, Fax, Telephone, C.C. Cameras and other electronics Equipment purchase and maintenance. 9. Regarding painting, plumbing and construction and maintenance of public property actions. 10. Work related to water supply. 7. Supply and repair of furniture, flooring and furnishings. 8. Computer, Printer, Photocopier, Fax, Telephone, C.C. Cameras and other electronics Equipment purchase and maintenance. 9. Regarding painting, plumbing and construction and maintenance of public property actions. 10. Work related to water supply. 11. Activities related to publication and broadcasting of information/advertisements. 12. Software, hardware, networking related services or consulting services,
Shortlisting Notice for Engineering Consulting Services (Building design , Drawing etc )
Collection of tax
Standing List For The Procurement Of Various Items And Services; सूची दर्ता गराउने सम्बन्धी सूचना) All printing and printing related works, toners and cartridges, sign boards, identity cards. 2. Computers, Laptops, Office Supplies, Printers, UPS, Batteries, Photocopiers, Telephone Sets, Soco Parts needed for repair and its maintenance work 3. Metal and wooden furniture (filing drawers, mechs, tables, desk benches, chairs etc.) as well All Furniture and Furnishing items and their maintenance works 4. Clothing and sewing related activities 5. Electronics and electronics, Works including solar and inverter sets and their maintenance 7. Science and electrical laboratory materials 8, construction materials 9. Sports and educational materials 10. Physical and service provider companies 11. Software and Applications
Standing List For The Procurement Of Various Items And Services; सूची दर्ता गराउने सम्बन्धी सूचना) Foodstuffs and Gas 7) Vegetables 2) Meat and eggs 8) Drinking water 3) Stationery 9) Disaster search and rescue materials 4) Computer and printer repair (For Kaski district only) 5) Medicines and medical supplies 10) Hotel for training and seminars 6) Masks, sanitizers, disposal globes