Guheshwori Merchant Banking and Finance Ltd, Head Office, Hariharbhawan

Standing List for the Procurement of various items and services; सूची दर्ता गराउने सम्बन्धी सूचना) Supplies Goods and services • Supply of spices and air ticket staff Clothing supply and sewing (internal) work Related work कार्य Printing work UPS, Battery, Stabilizer, Fire Control • Air ticket (internal) 37 Alarm Systern, EPABAX System Connection and Supply आन्तरिक Interior Decoration and Construction of Buildings 1. Courier Services and Advertising Services Materials Office Furniture and Fixtures, Ile However, all operations include the supply of electrical and electronic goods, plumbing services and materials. • Work, Office Equipment Commuter Printer Photo Copy Machine Scanner Ink Ribbon Toner Cartridges • Supply and Supply of Security Services Manpower Supplies etc.

Nepal Medical College Pvt Ltd ,Kathmandu

Supply Medicine items, Hospital equipments, Clinical Lab items, Dental Related Items, Media Gassware Items. Electrical items. Advertising and Publishing items, Plumbing items. Hind ware /Jaquer Brand sanitary and Fitting works and Computer Items –Tender Notice

Agriculture , Forest Science University, Forest Science Faculty, Makwanpur

Standing List For The Procurement Of Various Items And Services / सुची निवेदन / सुची दर्ता Towards Procurement and Disaster: | 1) Stationery items (spices and miscellaneous). 2) Supply and maintenance of electronics equipment (fridge, air conditioner, computer, photocopy machine, inverter and its parts etc.). 3) Regarding printing. 4) Regarding the publication of advertisement information. 5) Regarding construction and maintenance of building and drinking water. 6) Supply and maintenance of furniture fixtures and finishing materials 7) Supply and maintenance of electrical equipment.Supply and maintenance of plumbing fixtures. 2) Regarding the supply of chemicals, glassware and equipment used in the lab. 10) Nursery equipment and seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, etc.