Construction of Administrative Building -Tender Notice बोलपत्र
This Category Covers
Building Construction Works, Electrical related HT / LT Line Construction, Road Construction & Rehabilitation, Water Supply & Drainage Systems, Irrigation, All Civil Construction Works or services
Opening Financial and Technical Proposal for Construction of Building ( Gulliver world Construction, Shubha Construction, Purna_Chandra /RR Construction JV) SWIKRIT (स्वीकृत)
Letter of Intent for construction of Tissue Culture Lab (Swami Jaganath nirman sewa )SWIKRIT (स्वीकृत)
Letter of Intent for Command Area Protection works(Galwa Nirman sewa )SWIKRIT (स्वीकृत)
Road Upgrading works at Sundarijal Patibhanjyang Kutumasang Ambathan Melamchi Headworks Road बोलपत्र
Reactive Maintenance of Mechi Highway -Tender Notice बोलपत्र
Letter of Intent for Upgrading/Improvement of Service Track (Worldwide -PR-Sushan JV, Worldwide-PR-Sushan JV)SWIKRIT (स्वीकृत)
Letter of Intent for Construction of Road (NB Construction )SWIKRIT (स्वीकृत)
Opening Financial and Technical Proposal for Construction of Building (Tirpati balaji Nirman sewa, Karma/Baba JV)SWIKRIT (स्वीकृत)
Construction of Quarter Building -Tender Notice बोलपत्र
Retaining wall Construction बोलपत्र
Construction of wall, Shade and Pever works and Construction works of HT/LT Line - Tender Notice बोलपत्र
Letter of Intent for Construction of Road (SNR Nirman sewa, Acharya Nirman sewa, Rawal Nirman sewa )SWIKRIT (स्वीकृत)
Construction of RCC and Deep boring works- Tender Notice बोलपत्र
Upgradation of Rural road -Tender Notice बोलपत्र
Collection of Tax of Construction materials of River side बोलपत्र
Intention to Award the Contract for Construction of Entire work(M/S Sagun Construction, M/S AM Construction Company, M/S Kalika Builders Pvt Ltd)SWIKRIT (स्वीकृत)
Construction of Road बोलपत्र
Opening Financial and Technical Proposal for Construction and Upgrading of Road (Mitra/Amrit/Bhageshwor JV) SWIKRIT (स्वीकृत)
Collection of tax