Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA); Kathmandu

Tender Award Notice बोलपत्र स्वीकृत; Aacharya APL International ; Tender Notice; HT/LT Line Extension, Transformer Installation and Wooden Pole Replacement, Construction of Open Store Yard and Motorcycle Parking, Construction of Road

Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA); Gandaki Province

Tender Award Notice बोलपत्र स्वीकृत; Saraswati Nirman Sewa, Annapurna Winding Wires Pvt Ltd, Parshawi Construction Pvt Ltd ); Tender Notice; Supply and Delivery of Stationery, Printed Items, Office Tools

Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA); Janakpur

Tender Award Notice बोलपत्र स्वीकृत; Prince Construction; Tender Notice; Construction of Dedicated Line, Supply and Delivery of Electrical Line Materials and Tools, LT Line Extension

Bharatpur Metropolitian City Office, Bagmati Province, CHITWAN;

Opening of Financial Proposal (Price Bid) and Selection of Bidders in Technical Proposal; Construction of Building; Tender Award Notice बोलपत्र स्वीकृत; Construction of Various Building ( UN Construction ), Construction of Tiles ( Maa Tulashi Construction )

Chandragiri Municipality Office, Bagmati Province, KATHMANDU;

Opening of Financial Proposal (Price Bid) and Selection of Bidders in Technical Proposal; Construction of park and Upgradation; Tender Award Notice बोलपत्र स्वीकृत; Supply of HDPE Pipe ( Amrit Bani Super Suppliers Pvt Ltd )