Award Notice for Construction of Road (M/S Rayamaghi Construction Company, M/S Gajindra -Nayabato JV)
This Category Covers
Building Construction Works, Electrical related HT / LT Line Construction, Road Construction & Rehabilitation, Water Supply & Drainage Systems, Irrigation, All Civil Construction Works or services
Construction of girl hostel Building -Tender Notice
Collection of Advertising Services
Cancellation Notice for Construction of Road (Prera-Jyoti JV)
Letter of Intent for Construction of industrial Village (NSN Construction Pvt Ltd )
Opening Financial and Technical Proposal (M/S Swaminarayan Nirman sewa )
Award Notice for Interior Decoration of Training Hall (JM Nirman sewa )
Road Maintenance of Kalyampur -Barsain Road -Tender Notice
Collection of Tax (devi Dakshinkali Photo Frame House )
Collection of tax (Devi dakishankali Photo Frame House )
Rental Services of House
Collection of Tax
Standing List For The Procurement Of Various Items And Services ; सुची दर्ता सम्बन्धमा Towards services and consulting 1. Related to stationery and office supplies 1.Vehicles (motorcycles, four wheeled vehicles) 1. Capacity development training 2. Book and banner printing Parts and Tires). | 2. Conducting and managing trainings, conferences, seminars 3. Machinery equipment (computers, printers and | 2. Computers, printers and photocopiers, related | parts, networking and electronics | scanners, internet, UPS, inverters, etc. 3. Vehicle rental and transportation related goods)courier service related 4.Electronic goods related 13. Furniture and furnishing fixture related | 5. Telephone, Internet and related 5. Wood, steel furniture and furnishing related | 4. Electrical goods and electrification | Work-related 6. Human and animal medicine, and | 5. Building and physical structure, maintenance and painting 6. Information, advertisement publication' related to information Equipment related. Regarding ear etc | 7. Technical survey, study, research and 7. Fruits and other plants
Construction of office Building at Refugee Camp-Tender Notice
Award Notice for Advertisement Revenue Collection works(Fab Nepal Pvt Ltd )
Correction Notice
Opening Financial and technical Proposal for Construction of Road (Green Peace builders pvt ltd, Sameer- Indra JV, Siddhartha Darshan JV, GSR Tirupati JV, Mahesh Engineering and Builders Pvt )SWIKRIT (स्वीकृत)
Award Notice for Maintenance and Road safety Upgradation works (M/S KM-Joshila JV)
Standing List For The Procurement Of Various Items And Services ; सुची दर्ता सम्बन्धमा Masland 2. Computer, Printer, Photocopier, Fax, UPS, Toner, AC, CC| TV cameras, cameras, telephones, intercoms, electronics and Internet goods, 3. Power transmission line accessories and parts, 4. Printing work, .. 5. Furniture and fixtures, 6. Spare parts of light vehicles and motorcycles, 7. Civil construction and hardware, 8. Spare parts of heavy equipment (loaders, dozers, excavators), 9. Activities related to renting vehicles and heavy equipment 10. Supply of plumbing, bathroom and toilet articles, | 11. Mechanical tools and accessories, 12. Service of supplying treated drinking water, 13. Security To repair: 1. Computer, Printer, Photocopier, Fax, USP Toner, AC, C-C TV cameras, cameras, telephones, intercoms, electronics and more maintenance of Internet products, Maintenance of power transmission lines, 3. Maintenance of light vehicles and motorcycles. 4. Maintenance of heavy equipment (loader, dozer, excavator) 5. Partition and maintenance works within the building 6. Maintenance of bathroom and toilet accessories 7. Furniture and fixtures, maintenance
Periodic Maintenance works on Patharakot Chakla and Ghumti -Sandhikharka Section -Tender Notice