Award Notice for Construction of water Supply project (Khapurnath Nirman Sewa )
This Category Covers
Building Construction Works, Electrical related HT / LT Line Construction, Road Construction & Rehabilitation, Water Supply & Drainage Systems, Irrigation, All Civil Construction Works or services
Blacktop Road Construction Nepal telecom to Bhan rokaya Chowk -Tender Notice टेन्डर
Construction of Road टेन्डर
Award Notice for Construction of Road (Angare Bhangare Nirman sewa, Shree Lamsal Construction, ) SWIKRIT (स्वीकृत)
Award; KM Construction, Dhangadhi ; Piyush Nirman Sewa, Janaki Rural Municipality Office, Kaillali
Award; D & G Construction; Charumati Construction, Baneshwor; Ward Office Building, Gabion Wall Construction works
Supply and Delivery of Heavy Coated Machine made Gabion Box - Quotation Notice
Construction of Road -Tender Notice
Award; Ganesh Khusbhu Nirman Sewa, Sai Baba Nirman Sewa, Aadarsha Construction ; Road Pavement, Capacity enhancement, farm fencing extension work with compound wall construction
Construction of Road -Tender Noticeटेन्डर
Award; Ashok Construction, Sunsari ; Manish Nirman Sewa, Dhankutta ; Durga Nirman Sewa, Rangeli ; Shree Jay Shambhu Nirman Sewa, Illam ; Road Upgradation, Improvement and other works
Construction of Road - Tender Notice
Construction of School Building -Tender Notice टेन्डर
Award; Surya Roshni Construction Industrial Pvt Ltd, Jorpati ; Procurement of Upgrading Solar Energy System
Interior Furnishing and Finishing works; Tender
Urban Infrastructure Construction works; Tender
Construction of Road - Tender Notice टेन्डर
Opening Financial and Technical Proposal for Construction works (M/S SAP Kalika /Divya Shakti JV, M/S Gautam Shakti Nirman sewa )SWIKRIT (स्वीकृत)
Notice for the Letter of Intent for Electrification for Various deep Tube well Project (CG Bhagyalaxmi Construction )
Award Notice for Construction of Health Post (Omenoscar Nirman Sewa )SWIKRIT (स्वीकृत)