Award Notice for Construction of Road (SK -Jayalaxmi JV)SWIKRIT (स्वीकृत)
This Category Covers
Building Construction Works, Electrical related HT / LT Line Construction, Road Construction & Rehabilitation, Water Supply & Drainage Systems, Irrigation, All Civil Construction Works or services
Construction of Road -Tender Notice टेन्डर
Supply and Delivery of 53 Grade Ordinary Portland Cement
Cancellation Notice for Construction of Bridge over Bheri River (YP Construction Pvt ltd ) SWIKRIT (स्वीकृत)
Clarification Notice For Electrification Works in Various Places
Supply and Delivery of Stationary Items, Electrical Goods, Construction of Transformer Store and Vehicle Parking
Renovation works of Music Hall - Tender Notice
Award Notice :Transportation and Erection of HT/LT Line and Transformer Installation Work(Himali Nirman Sews)
Award Notice for Construction of Road (SDS brothers/Bhatbhateni JV)SWIKRIT (स्वीकृत)
Award Notice for Construction work(Masud Nirman Sewa ) SWIKRIT (स्वीकृत)
Construction and Maintenance of civil Sanitary, electrical Allied works, Procurement of Hotel Room Accessories , Supply, Delivery and Commissioning of Central Condition , Laundry System and Construction of toilet /Bathroom Fencing works - Quotation Notice
Award Notice : MOALD/BA/NCB/WORK/03/079-80(Dhiraj Nirman Sewa)
Construction of Shed For Electric Boiler Room and Toilet Maintenance Works
Pond Contract Notice-Quotation Notice
Award :Finishing Civil Work of Multipurpose Building(Tulsi Bhakta Construction)
Award Notice for Supply and Delivery of Color CGI Sheet (Kankhole Hardware Pvt Ltd )
Contract For Building Rental
Financial Opening : WRIDD-TPJ/MIP/Works/2079-80/01(Chemjong Construction, Himalayan Construction)
Upgrading of Road -Tender Notice टेन्डर
Construction of Class Blocks- Tender Notice टेन्डर