Standing List For The Procurement Of Various Items And Services सुची दर्ता सम्बन्धमा Supply of stationery, printing and office supplies. 2. Supplies and repair of machinery tools and other equipment. 3. Supply of furniture and furnishings. 4. Public construction work and maintenance work, construction materials and related to construction Act of supplying tools. 5. Consultancy and engineering survey, design supply work. 6. Other services and materials needed by the office.
This Category Covers
Building Construction Works, Electrical related HT / LT Line Construction, Road Construction & Rehabilitation, Water Supply & Drainage Systems, Irrigation, All Civil Construction Works or services
Collection of Tax -Medant Construction )
Construction materials supply , Solar Components Supply, Tools, pipes and Pipes fittings , Filtration and Chlorine Expression of Interest
Award Notice for Collection of tax (Aakriti Advertising )
Khahre Khola Multicell Box Bridge Along Dhago Karkhana Charange Jhumsa Sadak,Devdaha -10, Rupandehi (RIDO/RUP/ LRBP/BR/NCB /079-80/54)
Standing List For The Procurement Of Various Items And Services सुची दर्ता सम्बन्धमाMasland supplier (must have at least 3 years of work experience) 2. Educational material supplier (must have at least 3 years of work experience) 3. Printing materials supplier (must have at least 3 years of work experience) 4. Other office equipment supply and maintenance service provider. 5. Wood and steel furniture, furnishing supplies and maintenance service provider. 6. Plumbing service provider. 7७. Internet &Telephone सेवा प्रदायक । ८. इलेक्ट्रिक सामग्री आपूर्तिकर्ता तथा मर्मत सम्भार सेवा प्रदायक । ९. कम्प्युटर तथा यससँग सम्बन्धित अन्य उपकरण आपूर्ति तथा मर्मत सम्भार सेवा प्रदायक । १०. औषधिजन्य सामग्री आपूर्ति कर्ता (कम्तिमा ३ वर्षको कार्य अनुभव हुनुपर्ने) ११. साइकल आपूर्ति तथा मर्मत सम्भार सेवा प्रदायक (कम्तिमा ३ वर्षको कार्य अनुभव हुनुपर्ने १२. विद्यालयलगायत घरको पोशाक आपूर्तिकर्ता
Providing Rental Services
Construction of Road
Providing Rental Services
Award Notice for Construction of Building (Google Construction, Maliya Construction Mayansh Construction Pvt ltd etc)
Construction of Irrigation Infrastructure and Maintenance work, Agriculture Program-etc बोलपत्र
Collection of tax
Award Notice for Road Upgrading works(Sishir Barsa Construction )
Bank Protection works of Karnali river (Satighat Bridge), Rajapur-04, Bardiya.
Construction of wall,shade and pever works at Shitalnagar Sub-station
Construction and Rehabilitation work of HT/LT Line at Different place of Butwal , Sainamaina , Devdaha and Tinau Gaun Palika 2 Nuwakot
Collection of tax
Premix Carpeting Work Of Khopa Village To Bijuliya Bridge, Ward No 12 ,(Chainage 0+000 to 0+190)
Construction Of Plastic Tunnel of size (12m*6m) With Steel Truss Frame .
Premix Carpeting Work Of Ring Road To North Nakrodi Road , Ward No 01, Ward No.8(Chainage 0+000 to 0+210)