shreebaks Coy

Construction of Combine Security Post First Floor & Top Floor

Gadhimai Municipality, Municipal Executive office, Rautahat

Standing List For The Procurement Of Various Items And Services; Suchidarta सुची दर्ता सम्बन्धमा Supply and repair of masland office furniture and other necessary goods. 2. Printing and distribution work. 3, supply and repair work related to furniture and furnishing. Office Equipment: Computer Printer, UPS, Photocopy Machine, Camera, A. c. Fridge, cartage and other misc Materials supply and repair. 5 Networking, Internet and website design, software work. 6. Newspaper and book supply work.Work related to the supply of electrical and electronic goods. Construction material supply and construction work. Vehicle supply and repair. 10. Work related to information publication and broadcasting. 11. Building, physical structure repair work. 12. Hume Pipe , Polythene Pipe, , GI Pipe, Supply and Repair of Cleaning Equipment. 13. Purchase of materials and equipment related to agriculture and animal services. 14. Procurement of medicines, materials and equipment related to health services. 15. Conducting training related to various skills and income generation.16, Purchase and installation of materials and equipment related to solar energy. 17. Various consulting services.

Nepal Bank limited, Kathmandu

Award Notice for AC, CCTV Cameras with glow Board , electrical and Networking works , Renovation works (Ram Construction, Janshakti A to Z Majdoor Sewa )

Karmachari Sanchaya Kosh , Lalitpur

Award Notice for Bricks, wood, iron, zinc leaves on the roof of the defunct Nepal Transport Corporation on the land of the Employees' Savings Fund located in Teku (as the case may be, the bidder should demolish/remove them// Jaya Baba Biswakarma Scrap).(कर्मचारी संचय कोषको टेकुस्थित जग्गामा रहेको विघटित नेपाल यातायात सन्स्थनको घर टहरामा रहेको इट्टा , काठ फलाम , जस्तापातहरु (जेजस्तो अवस्थामा छ सोहि अवस्थामा बोलपत्रदाता स्य्वाले नै भत्कयाएर /उठाएर लानु पर्ने ) Jayababa Bishwakarma Scrap Center )

Tansen Municipality

Road Upgrading Worksat Karuwatole toJaisihhaupari (Blacktopped), Tansen-6, Palpa.

Tansen Municipality

Municipality Office Mini Hall Construction Works(Above Existing Building), Tansen-6, Palpa

Tansen Municipality

Road Upgrading Works ( Baughagumba to Cheherlung) Tansen municipality Ward 13, Palpa

Social Development Fund (SDF), Nepalgunj

Standing List for the procurement of various items and services ; suchidarta ; सुची दर्ता सम्बन्धमा stationery masland) supplies 2) Bag and preparation and cloth 3) Furniture and finishing Computer parts and repair 4. Sewing cutting and sewing training 5) Sewing machine and parts, ) Motorcycle parts and repairs 7) Repairs and accessories related to electric and electronic 8) Printing related work flex or book printing 9) Supply of medical equipment 10. Large and small vehicle reserve service 11. Electricity and maintenance 12. Materials of hardware 13) Publication and transmission of information 14. Annual supply of newspaper, publication of advertisements and notices in newspapers, brick 16) Materials and services related to painting and electricity 17 Construction related services and consulting b) Hotel business services essential 1. AC and non-AC meeting hall with a capacity of at least 25 to 50 people 2. The rooms have single and double beds AC and non-AC 2. Non-residential provision of food and refreshments