Construction of Building
This Category Covers
Building Construction Works, Electrical related HT / LT Line Construction, Road Construction & Rehabilitation, Water Supply & Drainage Systems, Irrigation, All Civil Construction Works or services
Nagar Sthar Yojana, Procurement of Computer, Laser, Printer, Tablet, UPS Single Battery
Construction of House with Safety Tank
Construction of Building
Tender Award Notice बोलपत्र स्वीकृत; Construction of Various Physical Infrastructures ( Arun and Rustam Nirman Sewa Pvt Ltd, Chandan Nirman Sewa, Shiva Nirman Sewa tatha Shiva General Suppliers, Panchatatva Construction Pvt Ltd, Diamond Construction, Samagra Construction and Suppliers Pvt Ltd, Anmol Nirman Sewa etc )
Sale of River Bed Materials नदी जन्य पदार्थ; Purchase of Construction Materials
Road Maintenance
Tender Award Notice बोलपत्र स्वीकृत; Construction of Station ( New Ambe Nirman Sewa )
Tender Award Notice बोलपत्र स्वीकृत; Road Upgradation ( Nabachanda Construction and Suppliers )
Construction of OPD Block
Construction of Covered Hall
Various Road Upgradation
Construction of Steel Framed Structures
Tender Award Notice बोलपत्र स्वीकृत; Construction of Various Physical Infrastructures ( Arun and Rustam Nirman Sewa Pvt Ltd, Chandan Nirman Sewa, Shiva Nirman Sewa Tatha Shiva General Suppliers, Panchatatwa Construction Pvt Ltd, Samagra Construction and Suppliers Pvt Ltd, Anmol Nirman Sewa etc )
Construction of House with Safety Tank
Construction of Settlement, Road
Construction of Ghat, Sadak Batti Jadan
Upgrading Of (i) Athilahi adhuro kalopatre dekhi Bairiya Jodne sadak, Pratappur -9 , (ii) Basaiya wada karyalaya dekhi Dhamauli Jane sadak, Pratappur 5
Upgrading of i) Mudera Dekhi Piparahawa Sadak, Palhinandan -2 ii)Kusma chauki Piparahawa Siswa hundai Germa Samma Sadak , Palhinandan, Nawalparasi
Roadway Construction Works on Shringapath Gaighat(Chitwan) Rising Chapakot Galyang(Syangja) Sadak ko Pokharichaap Dekhi Katahare Hundai Mohami Khanda.