Samakhoriya kathegari kuire sadak nirman
This Category Covers
Building Construction Works, Electrical related HT / LT Line Construction, Road Construction & Rehabilitation, Water Supply & Drainage Systems, Irrigation, All Civil Construction Works or services
Supply And delivery of Electrical items for Different Water Supply Projects.
11/0.4 KV Line Construction and Transformer Installation work at Rukum DC
River Bank Protection of Arati CFUG Kohalpur-7,Banke
Construction of Guard house at NEA, Sulichaur, Rolpa
Construction of Gabion Revetment Works in Jharahi Khola Niyantran Karya, Sunwal-9, Chhaauni, Nawalparasi
Tadi and Likhu River Training Projects
Ratnarajmarga dekhi Thanichaur jane sadak kalopatre (Bheriganga 10) & Kumari bank dekhi golpark jodne sadak starunnati (Bheriganga 9)
Supply And delivery of HDPE (PE-100) Pipes for different Water Supply Projects.
Upgrading of Narayanhiti Kuslechaur Vedafarm Markhu Sadak
Mesh wire Fencing of Samaya Bhawani CFUG Raptisonari 5 Banke
RCC Construction Work inside Compound of NEA, Liwang, Rolpa
Construction of Gabion Revetment Works in Shivanagar Koloni Antargat Khahare Kholama Side Wall Nirman, Sunwal-2, Nawalparasi
Construction of Spring Intake,Reservoir and Pipeline Works at Banglachuli Water Supply Project, Dang.
Constructions of Boundary wall and Laying of Pavers near Murli Pokhari Healthpost Building in ward 12.
Urban Infrastructure Development at Ward no 06, and Upgradation of Thutbar-Taargaun- Padheri Kholsi- Timsina Raya Gaun Dudhang Road Section Ward no 08
water supply works
Mesh wire fencing of Laligurash CFUG Raptisonari 2 Banke
LT Line Extension at Various Working Places of Bhaktapur DCs.
Excavation and Extraction of Natural River bed material, sand, gravel and boulder of Ghiri Khola