Construction of Building
This Category Covers
Building Construction Works, Electrical related HT / LT Line Construction, Road Construction & Rehabilitation, Water Supply & Drainage Systems, Irrigation, All Civil Construction Works or services
Tender Award Notice बोलपत्र स्वीकृत; Supply and Delivery of HDPE ( MM Plastic Udhyog Pvt Ltd, Shree Shyam Polymers Pvt Ltd ), Transformer ( Nir Kamal Construction and Suppliers Pvt Ltd ), RCC Over Head ( Ashok Construction ), Building ( Pallavi Construction )
Gabion Structure Construction Work
Construction of Building and Compound Wall
Tender Award Notice बोलपत्र स्वीकृत; Construction of Building ( Prakash Nirman Sewa )
Tender Award Notice बोलपत्र स्वीकृत; Maintenance of Road ( Bibek Nirman Sewa ), Mandir Maitenance ( Amir Nirman Sewa and Suppliers )
Tender Award Notice बोलपत्र स्वीकृत; Construction of Embankment and Gabion Protectio ( Shreejana Construction ), Construction of Canal ( Thapa Nirman Sewa, Aarju Nirman Sewa )
Sale of River Bed Materials नदी जन्य पदार्थ; शुल्क संकलन Revenue Collection Services;
Tender Award Notice बोलपत्र स्वीकृत; Construction of Building (KDM Construction and Suppliers Pvt Ltd )
Construction of Compound Wall
Infrastructure Construction
Opening of Financial Proposal (Price Bid) and Selection of Bidders in Technical Proposal; Construction of Road
Road Maintenance Work, Procurement of Materials and Transportation
Tender Award Notice बोलपत्र स्वीकृत; Oli Nirman Sewa, Omnath Construction, Rama and Sons Construction, Aayansha Builders and Suppliers Pvt Ltd, Resunga Construction, Bholebaba Nirman Sewa, Royal SK Construction
Supply- Delivery- Installation- Testing and Commissioning of ICS with Apprenticeship Training, Construction of Electrification
Roadway Improvement
River Training Work
Construction of Boundary Wall
Tender Award Notice बोलपत्र स्वीकृत; Road Upgradation ( Chhintangdevi Construction )
Construction of First Floor Ward Office Building, Tri.Na. Pa-10, Udayapur