Tender Award Notice बोलपत्र स्वीकृत; Pul Mathi Majhuwa ra Masaanmajhuwa (Dumkibas Screening Pvt Ltd ), Rukh Katan ( Ramesh Singh )
This Category Covers
Building Construction Works, Electrical related HT / LT Line Construction, Road Construction & Rehabilitation, Water Supply & Drainage Systems, Irrigation, All Civil Construction Works or services
Fencing and Maintenance Work
Sale of River Bed Materials नदी जन्य पदार्थ; शुल्क संकलन Revenue Collection Services;
Gabion Checkdam Construction, Installation of GI Chain Fencing, Pond Excavation
Sichai Kulo Nirman
Opening of Financial Proposal (Price Bid) and Selection of Bidders in Technical Proposal;
Protection/ Maintenance Work of Wing Wall, Maintenance and Road Safety Work
Various Road Upgradation
Concrete Pavement Work, Bhawan Nirman
Construction of Hospital and Building
Tender Award Notice बोलपत्र स्वीकृत; Building Upgradation ( Shivashakti Nirman Sewa )
Construction of Building
शुल्क संकलन Revenue Collection Services; Parking
Pipe Layig, Interconnection and Hole Change Work
Tender Award Notice बोलपत्र स्वीकृत; Construction of Building ( Utkrishtta Nirman Sewa and Suppliers )
Tender Award Notice बोलपत्र स्वीकृत; Building Construction ( Amrawati Nirman Sewa )
Supply and Delivery of Medium Voltage Covered Conductor for Koshi and Madhesh Province
Supply and Delivery of Medium Voltage Covered Conductor for Lumbini, Karnali and Sudur Paschim Province
Supply and Delivery of Medium Voltage Covered Conductor for Bagmati and Gandaki Province
Devdaha Drainage, Road, Footpath and Street Improvement Including Beautification and Landscape Works.