Merchandise Now
३ माघ २०८१, बिहीबार

general information

ref no : 371506

item : Standing List For The Procurement Of Various Items And Services; सूची दर्ता गराउने सम्बन्धी सूचना) Supplies Goods And Services Goods / Services to be supplied All the work related to pie and spice. Computer, laptop, internet service, photocopy machine, printer, AC Supply Tawa Maintenance 3 Supply and Maintenance of Furniture and Furnishing Items 4. Maintenance and supply of electrical and electronics materials. Supply of Hardware and Construction Materials 6 Supply and Service of Construction Materials 7 Supply and Maintenance of Sanitary Materials 8. OPD, hostel, justice X-ray equipment and Supply and maintenance of materials 9 Consultants, Consultant Serve 10. Construction and maintenance works

published date : 10/07/2022

submision date : 7th Day